Green New Tomorrow (GNT) is a documentary series dedicated to discovering the top 50 green innovations that can significantly change the narrative in our fight against global warming. We profile inventors and their inventions to get a glimpse of what our green new tomorrow will look like. Green New Tomorrow is here to shout from the mountain tops that we can win this battle. Locally, we believe this show will galvanize the community here in North Texas, and our Dallas-based team could help implement some of these innovations and/or beta test prototypes right here in the DFW area.
Green New Tomorrow (GNT) is a documentary series dedicated to discovering the top 50 green innovations that can significantly change the narrative in our fight against global warming. We profile inventors and their inventions to get a glimpse of what our green new tomorrow will look like . GNT will recruit a team of Green activists like Louie Psihoyos, Stephen Nemeth, Leilani Münter and Danni Washington to interview Innovators and Inventors from around the world. We will profile light bulbs that last 37 years, to a device that turns human waste into fuel, to visiting a village where an eight year old girl named Xochitl Guadalupe Cruz Lopez built a solar-powered water heater from recyclable materials. We have heard about the problems loud and clear. Green New Tomorrow is here to shout from the mountain tops that we can win this battle. And here is how we do it! We believe this show will galvanize the community here in North Texas, and our Dallas-based team could help implement some of these innovations and/or beta test prototypes right here in the DFW area. Green New Tomorrow is pitching in partnership with Green Careers Dallas.